Requesting State Consultation Services

State Consultation Services may be requested by a State agency through completion of a State Consultation Services request form: This form will identify the topic areas your State is most interested in obtaining assistance for (e.g., program administration, education and training, instructor qualifications, coordination with driver licensing, parent/guardian involvement), what form of opportunity you are interested in, offsite, onsite or both, and if you have conducted a NHTSA State Assessment or have any interest in conducting one. Once the form is submitted, we will contact you to set up a web meeting and discuss further.

A formal letter can then be sent to Highway Safety Services on State letterhead requesting ANSTSE State Consultation Services. For any questions please contact:
Brett Robinson
ANSTSE Secretariat
1434 Trim Tree Road
Indiana, PA 15701
Phone: (724) 349-7233
Fax:  (724) 349-5042

Author: admin