This video provides an overview of ANSTSE and the resources provided by ANSTSE to improve State driver education programs.
The Association
The Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education (ANSTSE) also referred to as the “Association,” is a group of voluntary Stakeholders dedicated to identifying and promoting areas of common ground for the improvement of driver education and was formed in 2010 to maintain and when necessary, upgrade the Novice Teen Driver Education and Training Administrative Standards (NTDETAS). The NTDETAS were developed by representatives from the driver education professional community with assistance from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The NTDETAS were published in 2009 and revised in 2017 and 2023 to define the future of driver education and assist in improving the delivery of driver education programs nationally.
The Mission of this Association is to:
- Keep the NTDETAS and all subsequent Standards as living documents through ongoing review, revision, and refinement by including empiric or theoretic research to support such enhancements or revisions, when available and by providing a process to review and update the NTDETAS.
- Act in an advisory capacity to support shared decision-making as a community to identify areas of common ground and consensus to support the national Standards.
- Encourage and strengthen support for shared decision-making throughout the Driver Education community to promote implementation of the Standards.
- Provide support in terms of lessons learned and experience to any state leadership with the implementation of these or any subsequent Standards that the association recognizes.
- Identify and make recommendations concerning areas of the Driver Education process and delivery including those that are new, in development, or need updated.
The Association of National Stakeholder in Traffic Safety Education (ANSTSE) is currently working on the following projects:
This project will update the NTDETAS to further enhance the standards and determine areas in need of updates and to update the Strategic Plan to initiate improvements in driver education and define the priorities of the driver education community.
This project will provide technical assistance for the implementation of the NTDETAS, to identify emerging issues in driver education and to support NHTSA’s national perspective and promotion of the NTDETAS through presentations at conferences.
Manage, Update, and Maintain Communications Tools and Networks that Support Driver Education Efforts
This project will develop tools to inform States or key stakeholders of current and emerging traffic safety issues and solutions relating to driver education; new and existing NHTSA programs and resources; successful projects and programs in other States and Regions; best practices that can be replicated; and to coordinate consensus building to formalize NTDETAS and the NTDETAS Strategic Plan.
Develop and Implement Professional Teaching Standards for NTDETAS
This project will revise the existing Instructor Qualifications standards of the NTDETAS, develop standards for trainers of trainers and for mentors to assist with teaching practicums.
For a list of ANSTSE Accomplishments click here.
The members of the Association are national organizations that are directly involved with the improvement of driver education and training at the national level.
Click here to view the document “ANSTSE Charter
These organizations are:

Decision Making
The Association is committed to a shared decision making process that emphasizes a collaborative consensus building approach that involves all stakeholders. Each stakeholder shares the authority, responsibility, and accountability for the accomplishment of this goal. Each stakeholder must be committed to consensus building and work within the following parameters:
- Federal laws and regulations
- State laws and regulations
Guiding Principles
- Cultivate strong working relationships. Because formal enforcement mechanisms are not available, implementation of voluntary policy accords depends substantially on the strength of the working relationships among the members.
- Require members to regularly canvass their constituents and bring back relevant issues to the table.
- Ensure that stakeholders view the process as fair and impartial. Members’ perception of the fairness and legitimacy of a decision making process correlates with their degree of commitment.
- Record the “history” within the Association charter.
Strategic Plan
ANSTSE developed a Strategic Plan to promote the adoption and implementation of the Novice Teen Driver Education and Training Administrative Standards (NTDETAS) to initiate improvements in driver education, provide a timetable and direction for increased adoption and implementation, and define priorities of the driver education community. This Strategic Plan provides guidance to ANSTSE to provide support to States to adopt and implement the Standards within the coming decade.
ANSTSE Strategic Plan in Support of the NTDETAS
Requirements for the Review and Update of the NTDETAS and Strategic Plan