2024 A Nationwide Review of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety Education in Driver Education
This report was designed to examine the current state of driver education and training and the post-licensing improvement courses available in the United States with respect to the level of emphasis on pedestrians, bicyclists, and other micro-mobility road users and the specific topics (e.g., maneuvers, contextual considerations) referenced in the course content. The results of examination were used to identify and prioritize gaps in the material and then to develop and test a demo set of training modules designed to increase motorists’ knowledge, awareness, and skills related to the safety of these vulnerable road users.
2024 Novice Teen Driver Education Data Collection Guide
This report helps State driver education program administrators review their current data collection, identify additional sources of relevant information, manage operations, assess the status of driver education, demonstrate accomplishments, and provide a foundation for possible research.
NHTSA’s 2024 Driver Education and Training Promising Practices: A Systemic Literature Review
The purpose of this literature review is to identify information gaps and key research questions related to standards and address them with recent evidence to enhance the veracity of what is included in the NTDETAS; if what has been included is comprehensive and backed by scientific integrity of the NTDETAS. Read the review here.
Young Drivers and Traffic Fatalities: 20 Years of Progress on the Road to Zero

Young drivers are nearly four times more likely to be involved in a fatal traffic crash than their older counterparts, but a GHSA report confirms that crash and fatality rates for drivers under 21 have improved drastically over the past two decades – more so than for other drivers.
The report includes an analysis of Fatality Analysis Reporting System data for 2002-2021, identifies the policies and programs responsible for the gains in teen driver safety and makes recommendations for building upon that success.
Click here for more information
2023 Revised ANSTSE Strategic Plan in Support of the NTDETAS Released
This document provides ANSTSE with a timetable and direction to support a State’s adoption and implementation of the NTDETAS and the priorities of the driver education community for the coming years.
2023 Driver Education Data Collection Guide Released
This document will assist State Driver Education Program Administrators in reviewing their current data collection, identify additional sources of relevant information, manage operation, assess the status of driver education efforts, demonstrate accomplishments, and provide a foundation for possible research.
2023 Revised Novice Teen Driver Education and Training Administrative Standards Released
The 2023 revised Novice Teen Driver Education and Training Administrative Standards have been published! The revised standards incorporate risk/emergency preparedness, virtual classroom instruction, blended/hybrid classroom instruction, instructor mentors and trainers, driver education testing for licensure and parent/guardian involvement. A community of practice process was utilized to provide recommendations on the NTDETAS and ANSTSE reviewed and made revisions to the NTDETAS based on the feedback received from stakeholders in the driver education community.
For more information on the NTDETAS click here.
ANSTSE with the assistance of behind-the-wheel and testing/assessment task groups has released “Stopgap Measures in Driver Education During a Pandemic or an Emergency,” which provides temporary solutions for behind-the-wheel instruction, end-of-course knowledge testing and driving performance assessment during a pandemic or an emergency. ANSTSE has developed videos on utilizing multiple-car driving ranges, completing observation time in a virtual setting and virtual training video tutorials for driver education to provide information on conducting classroom training via virtual and distance learning platforms. ANSTSE also offered four virtual Professional Development Workshops to assist driver educators in meeting their ongoing refresher training requirements.
ANSTSE Stopgap Measures in Driver Education During a Pandemic or an Emergency
ANSTSE conducted webinars with State administrators to discuss issues related to COVID-19 on March 20 and April 28, 2020. These webinars were initiated to assist States in connecting and in sharing resources during an unprecedented time in U.S. history. State administrators indicated needing assistance in behind-the-wheel (BTW) instruction and testing and assessment for driver education and licensing. ANSTSE assembled 2 task groups: 1) BTW and 2) testing/assessment of subject matter experts to develop temporary solutions for driver education during the pandemic or future emergencies that keep organizations from normal and traditional operation. A stakeholder webinar was conducted October 16, 2020 to obtain feedback on the report and make any necessary changes. The report has been finalized by ANSTSE and the task groups and is available at the link below.
Stopgap Measures in Driver Education During a Pandemic or an Emergency
ANSTSE Videos on Multiple Car Driving Ranges and Completing Observation Time in a Virtual Setting
To assist during the pandemic, ANSTSE developed two videos on utilizing multiple car driving ranges and completing observation time in a virtual setting. Anyone can view the videos. If you would like to receive a certificate for continuing education you will need to be a member of the American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA). If you are an ADTSEA Member you can go to the ADTSEA website www.adtsea.org and click on “Login” to complete questions related to the videos to receive a certificate, at no additional cost. If you are not an ADTSEA Member you can click on “Join” to become a member.
Utilizing Multiple-Car Driving Ranges
Completing Observation Time in a Virtual Classroom Setting
New ANSTSE Documents Released September 2020
The Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education (ANSTSE) has released the following resources: Implementation Guide for the Novice Teen Driver Education and Training Administrative Standards to aid States in developing implementation strategies to meet the Administrative Standards; Core Elements of Driver Education Parent/Guardian Seminars to provide recommended core elements for the administration, content, and delivery of Seminars for parents/guardians of novice teen drivers; and Driver Education Program Comparative Data Fact Sheets to provide information on what the States are currently doing regarding driver education.
Implementation Guide for the NTDETAS
Core Elements of Driver Education Parent/Guardian Seminars
Driver Education Program Comparative Data Fact Sheets
ANSTSE Virtual Professional Development Workshops
On August 24 – 27, 2020 ANSTSE conducted a series of four Professional development workshops designed to assist driver educators in meeting their refresher training requirements.
ANSTSE Virtual Training Tutorial for Driver Education
On April 8, 2020 ANSTSE conducted and recorded a webinar titled Virtual Training Tutorial for Driver Education. The purpose of the webinar was to provide information and examples to State Administrators, State and Regional Associations, schools and educators for conducting driver education classroom training via virtual and distance learning platforms.
ANSTSE does not endorse the platforms or programs covered in these recordings.
It is not possible to cover all platforms; however, there are many similarities between the many platforms available. They are discussed as possible alternatives for each program or educator to consider.

Guidelines for Establishing and Maintaining State Driver Education Interagency Working Groups and Advisory Boards Released May 2018
The Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education (ANSTSE) has released a document Guidelines for Establishing and Maintaining State Driver Education Interagency Working Groups and Advisory Boards to assist state administrators with their understanding of appointing an advisory board and the steps necessary to establish quality novice teen driver education programs.
The Novice Teen Driver Education and Training Administrative Standards (NTDETAS) specifies to establish and maintain an advisory board of stakeholders to provide input to the state agency/agencies. Establishing an advisory board and interagency working groups brings all stakeholders in the state together to work on the common goal of improving novice teen driver safety and to share information.
Click here to view the Webinar
ANSTSE State Consultation Services Presentations Conducted
ANSTSE continues to provide presentations at national, regional, and state conferences in support of the NTDETAS. These presentations can be found under Educational Resource Materials in the Resource Library.
Click for the Educational Resource Library
ANSTSE State Consultation Services Conducted
ANSTSE has conducted State Consultation Services for eleven states from September 2013 to December 2019. These eleven states include Delaware, New York, North Carolina, Idaho, Michigan, North Dakota, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Ohio, and New Jersey.
For a more detailed description of the State Consultation Services provided to each state click here.
Public Policies in Support of the NTDETAS
AAA-FTS Resolution for NTDETAS
ADTSEA Resolution – Support for NTDETAS
DETA Resolution – Support for NTDETAS
DSAA Resolution – Support for NTDETAS
2017 Model Instructor Preparation Program and Training Materials for the Teaching Task Released
A document on the Stages of an Instructor Preparation Program was developed by ANSTSE and a Teacher Training Working Group (TTWG) which outlines the stages essential for States and/or programs to successfully train driver education instructors to deliver all segments of the driver education program that meet the Novice Teen Driver Education and Training Administrative Standards (NTDETAS).
Model training materials have been developed by ANSTSE and a Teacher Training Working Group (TTWG) for one stage of the program, the teaching task, designed to provide the necessary knowledge and skills for delivering classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction. States or programs are encouraged to utilize the Teaching Task / Teaching and Learning Theories training materials.
For the Model Teaching Task training materials click here.
Letter from Brian McLaughlin, NHTSA’s Senior Administrator – Traffic Injury Control on Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21)
Letter of Acknowledgement from National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
NTSB commends the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) for its comprehensive action to address several NTSB recommendations relating to driver education and training.