GHSA’s 2017 Autonomous Vehicles Meet Human Drivers

Hedlund, J.

Governors Highway Safety Association, USA

Website Section
Automated Vehicles

This report is written for state Departments of Transportation (DOTs), Departments of Motor Vehicles (DMVs), and State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) to increase knowledge about the development of automated vehicle technology. It contains a description of the various levels of autonomous vehicles, a summary of the types of vehicles currently on the road as well as vehicles currently being developed. It shares results from surveys of public knowledge regarding autonomous vehicles, and presents projections of autonomous vehicle sales and use. In addition, it shares an overview of the key topics states are encouraged to address in order to prepare for when both driver-operated and autonomous vehicles share the road.

Hedlund, J. (2017) Autonomous Vehicles Meet Human Drivers: Traffic Safety Issues for States. Governors Highway Safety Association.

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Autonomous Vehicles Meet Human Drivers

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