NHTSA’s 2011 Driver Education Practices in Selected States Summary and Full Report

Neil Chaudhary, Lauren Bayer, Katherine Ledingham, and Tara Casanova

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

Website Section
Driver Education – Overview and Evaluation of Driver Education

This study examined how driver education courses are implemented in the United States. Driver education curricula currently in use in select States were compared with the latest recommendations of the American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association. A panel of 57 pre-license teens from 18 States newly enrolled in driver education courses were recruited and asked to report periodically on their progress.

Chaudhary, N.; Bayer, L.; Ledingham, K.; Casanova, T. (2011) Driver Education Practices in Selected States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Overview, evaluation, evaluating, assessment, studies, findings, practices, culturally responsive, Nebraska university, fresh look, large scale


Full Report

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