TIRF’s 2016 A New GDL Framework: Planning for the Future

Mayhew, D.; Williams, A.; Robertson, R.

Traffic Injury Research Foundation


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Driver Types

Literature and best practices review

This document contains a two-phase study by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation to develop and update a new GDL Framework for jurisdictions to implement. The first phase of this study consisted of the development of a comprehensive GDL Framework by a review of relevant literature and an environmental scan of best practices. The second phase consisted of the development of a strategy to implement this framework. This strategy included key policy mechanisms, such as mandatory GDL for novice drivers under the age of 21, as well as campaigns to gain political support and educate the public on the benefits of GDL.

Mayhew, D.; Williams, A.; Robertson, R. (2016) A New GDL Framework: Planning for the Furture. Ottawa, ON: Traffic Injury Research Foundation.

A New GDL Framework: Planning for the Future

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