TIRF’s 2017 The Importance of Driver Education in a World of Vehicle Technology

Traffic Injury Research Foundation

Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education

Website Section
ANSTSE Materials

This fact sheet describes the importance of driver education to teach the safe use of developing vehicle technologies. It discusses common misperceptions drivers have about the capabilities of vehicle technology and highlights the advantages of some driver assistance systems, such as lane departure warning systems and automatic braking. It underscores driver education must instill in drivers the knowledge that, despite the capabilities of these systems, they must remain engaged in the driving task and continue to be prepared should these systems fail.

Traffic Injury Research Foundation (2017) The Importance of Driver Education in a World of Vehicle Technology. Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education. White Paper.

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Vehicle technology, state of driver education, driver educators

The Importance of Driver Education in a World of Vehicle Technology

Author: admin