AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2013 Distracted and Risk Prone Drivers

Hamilton, B.; Arnold, L.; Tefft, B.

American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety

Website Section
Driver Behaviors


This report contains key results about distracted drivers from the 2012 Traffic Safety Culture Index survey. The data was collected as part of the AAA Foundation’s 2012 Traffic Safety Culture Index, a web-enabled nationally-representative probability-based survey of 3,896 U.S. residents aged 16 years and older. The data revealed distracted driving remains a concern for the driving public, with nine out of ten licensed drivers reporting they believed drivers talking on cell phones were a “somewhat” or “very” serious threat to safety. Further, approximately 95% believed text messaging or emailing behind the wheel was a threat to personal and public safety.

Hamilton, B.; Arnold, L.; Tefft, B. (2013) Distracted and Risk-Prone Drivers: Select Findings from the 2012 Traffic Safety Culture Index. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Washington, D.C.

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Distracted driving, distracted, distraction, inattention, cell phone, texting, phone, hand-held

Distracted and Risk Prone Drivers

Author: admin