GHSA’s 2017 Wake Up Call

Fischer, P.

Governors Highway Safety Association

Website Section
Driver Behaviors

Naturalistic study of young driver driving patterns.

This document contains a guide for states to understand drowsy driving. This publication is one of a series funded by State Farm. The report was designed to help Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) member State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) and their partners better understand the cause and effect of drowsy driving, and identify how best to address it in their respective states and/or communities. It explored what is known about the extent of drowsy driving, the crash characteristics, who is most at risk, and the challenges associated with combating the problem. It also provided examples of key policies and countermeasures states can implement to combat drowsy driving, as well as key points to reinforce in driver education such as not driving while tired.

Fischer, P. (2015) Wake Up Call! Understanding Driving and What States Can Do. Governors Highway Safety Association.

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Drowsy driving, asleep, sleeping, drowsy, school start times, wake up, sleepy, tired

Wake Up Call

Author: admin