AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2010 Asleep at the Wheel: The Prevalence and Impact of Drowsy Driving Summary and Full Report

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

US Department of Transportation

Website Section
Driver Behaviors

This report compiled strategies and ideas from different jurisdictions to try and address the issue of drowsy driving. It provided a broad overview of the background to drowsy driving, the impact of the problem, methods in research and research initiatives to help address the problem, different approaches in educational awareness, vehicle technology in use and development to help address the problem, as well as various other resources and tools.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (2017) Asleep at the Wheel: A National Compendium of Efforts to Eliminate Drowsy Driving. DOT HS 812 352. Washington, DC: US Department of Transportation.

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Drowsy driving, asleep, sleeping, drowsy, school start times, wake up, sleepy, tired


Full Report

Author: admin