NHTSA’s 2012 Transdermal Alcohol Monitoring: Case Studies

McKnight, A. S., Fell, J. C., & Auld-Owens, A.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Website Section
Driver Behaviors

Case studies

This report describes the experiences of six jurisdictions using transdermal alcohol monitoring technology to detect the use of alcohol by offenders and report it to monitoring officials. The objectives of this project were to determine how extensively transdermal alcohol-monitoring devices are used and to document case studies which can inform agencies considering the use of these devices to monitor offenders. Six programs were selected for case study. Collectively, findings revealed the following: (a) use of transdermal alcohol monitoring of DWI offenders was increasing; (b) transdermal alcohol monitoring appeared to reliable; (c) transdermal-monitoring devices did not appear to be associated with any insurmountable resource problems such as cost. However, more research was needed to determine whether transdermal alcohol-monitoring devices reduced drinking and DWI recidivism by offenders.

McKnight, A. S., Fell, J. C., & Auld-Owens, A. (2012). Transdermal alcohol monitoring: Case studies. DOT HS 811 603. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Transdermal Alcohol Monitoring: Case Studies

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