NHTSA’s 2011 Evaluation of Teen Seat Belt Demonstration Projects in Colorado and Nevada Summary and Full Report

J. Nichols, J.; Haire, E.; Solomon, M.; Ellison-Potter, P.; Cosgrove, L.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Website Section
Driving Behaviors

Naturalistic study

This report describes the results of a study evaluating Teen Seat Belt Demonstration Projects in Colorado and Nevada. Four waves of paid media and law enforcement activity were conducted during 2008. Three of these waves were conducted independently of statewide Click It or Ticket (CIOT) mobilizations, and one wave was conducted immediately prior to the May 2008 CIOT effort. Program data indicated these were “strong” programs, and awareness surveys showed media efforts and law enforcement agencies successfully impacted the target population of teens aged 16 to 20 years old.

J. Nichols, J.; Haire, E.; Solomon, M.; Ellison-Potter, P.; Cosgrove, L. (2011) Evaluation of Teen Seat Belt Demonstration Projects in Colorado and Nevada. DOT HS 811 518. Washington, D.C.: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Safety belt, seat belt, occupant, protection, law


Full Report

Author: admin