GHSA and State Farm’s 2012 Curbing Teen Driver Crashes: An In-Depth Look at State Initiatives

Fischer, P.

Governors Highway Safety Association

Website Section
Driver Types

Content analysis of programs and policies.

This document was designed to help state highway safety officials, safety advocates and others working to enhance the safety of young drivers by providing examples of promising state programs. It contains information to help strengthen graduated driving licensing programs, enforcement strategies, information for parents, and tips to strengthen young driver training programs. Not all of the programs, activities and/or initiatives discussed in the report will work for all states or organizations. Instead the report is a guideline for states to implement programs that may work in their jurisdiction. Key take-aways were also identified for each section as well as contact information.

Fischer, P. (2012) Curbing Teen Driver Crashes: An In-Depth Look at State Initiatives. Governors Highway Safety Association.

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Curbing Teen Driver Crashes: An In-Depth Look at State Initiatives

Author: admin