AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2011 Americans Want More, Not Less, Action to Advance Laws, Regulation and Enforcement to Improve Highway Safety

Bleier, D.

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

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Driver Types


This fact sheet summarized the results of a survey of Americans to gauge their opinions about road safety issues. The survey was conducted by telephone of a random sample of nationally representative sample of 920 American drivers ages 18 years and older. The survey results showed 62% of Americans agreed the U.S. needs more laws to prevent people from doing dangerous things while driving. More than half (57%) of Americans agreed their respective state government needs to do more to make their roads safer. A large majority (86%) agree all new drivers should be required to complete a driver education course before they can get a driver’s license. Similarly, many Americans agreed both auto manufacturers (60%) and the federal government (41%) need to do more to make cars safer (9% and 21%, respectively, disagree). Seventy percent of Americans agree that driving safety laws should be enforced more strictly (6% disagree).

Bleier, D. (2011) Americans Want More, Not Less, Action to Advance Laws, Regulation and Enforcement to Improve Highway Safety – Factsheet. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Washington D.C.

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Americans Want More, Not Less, Action to Advance Laws, Regulation and Enforcement to Improve Highway Safety

Author: admin