GHSA’s 2010 Protecting Teen Drivers

Dallas, B.; Fischer, P.; Greenspan, A.; Hill, S.; McNaull, J.; Spavone, S.; Spong, A.; & Wright, J.

Governors Highway Safety Association

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The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) and State Farm Insurance convened an Expert Panel on Teen Driving to sift through and identify US state programs and policies most likely to improve driver safety for teens. The panel consisted of state practitioners, industry leaders, manufacturers, and other key stakeholders involved in enhance young driver safety. The result of the Panel’s work was the development of this Guidebook for State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) to assist in their efforts with teens and others who influence them. This Guidebook contained several strategies for States, as well as best practices for practitioners within individual programs. Key topics discussed were legislation/policy, enforcement strategies, parental programs, education, peer education, and general strategies to improve young driver safety.

Dallas, B.; Fischer, P.; Greenspan, A.; Hill, S.; McNaull, J.; Spavone, S.; Spong, A.; & Wright, J. (2010) Protecting Teen Drivers. Governors Highway Safety Association.

Protecting Teen Drivers

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