AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2015 Rates of Motor Vehicle Crashes, Injuries, and Deaths in Relation to Driver Age

Tefft, B.C.

American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety

Website Topic
Driver Types

Crash analysis

This report contains statistics on rates of crashes, injuries and death per mile driven in relation to driver age based on data from 2014-2015 in the US. The analysis showed drivers ages 16 and 17 years old continue to have the highest rates of crash involvement, injuries to themselves and others, and deaths of others in crashes in which they are involved.

Tefft, B.C. (2017) Rates of Motor Vehicle Crashes, Injuries and Deaths in Relation to Driver Age, United States, 2014-2015. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

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Rates of Motor Vehicle Crashes, Injuries, and Deaths in Relation to Driver Age

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