NHTSA’s 2010 Oregon Assessment Report

Lewis, K.; Prudhomme, D.; Robinson, A.; Saint, N.; Simmons, J., Wigand, V.

Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education

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ANSTSE Materials

This document contains the technical assistance report by ANSTSE for the State of Oregon. The onsite Technical Assistance visit was conducted on December 5-9, 2010. This report details the findings of that visit. Major findings were: establish a yearly audit of approved driver education programs; develop a process to ensure that all novice teen driver education and training programs, instructors, and associated staff possess necessary operating licenses/credentials required by the State before approval is granted; and establish a procedure for providing an end-of-course evaluation or progress report to parents.

Lewis, K.; Prudhomme, D.; Robinson, A.; Saint, N.; Simmons, J.; Wigand, V. (2010) State of Oregon: Onsite Technical Assistance for the Driver Education Program. Washington, D.C.: Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education.

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Oregon Assessment Report

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