AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2006 Evaluating Driver Education Programs How To Guide

Kathryn M. Clinton and Larry Lonero

American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safet

Website Section
Driver Types

Expert consultation, literature review, evaluation

The How to Guide is a hands-on manual about the formative types of evaluation that program developers and managers can use to improve the quality of their products and processes. It contains a step-by-step guide for evaluating small- to medium-size programs whose managers or sponsors want to know how their program is performing and how it can be improved. Such formative evaluation helps develop, improve, or “form” a program by assessing its content and products, and its processes and delivery.

This Guide was developed with input from a small group of experts who served as project team members with assistance from an Advisory Group comprised of driver education and evaluation experts from across North America. A 2-day consultative workshop, an online discussion board, a literature review, and a discussion paper were part of the How to Guide development. The Guide was developed especially for driving school operators and owners, program developers, and managers. There are two companion documents: Evaluating Driver Education Programs: Comprehensive Guidelines; and Evaluating Driver Education Programs: Management Overview.

Clinton, K.M. & Lonero, L. 2006. Evaluating Driver Education: How to Guide. Washington, D.C.: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

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Evaluating Driver Education Programs How To Guide

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