AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2006 Evaluating Driver Education Programs Management Overview

Larry Lonero and Kathryn M. Clinton

American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety

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Expert consultation, literature review, evaluation

This Management Overview report contains an introduction to evaluation and research methods relevant to the range of driver education evaluations, including safety impacts. It is focused on understanding basic evaluation concepts and methods and what it takes to perform an evaluation. The Overview was developed with input from a small group of experts who served as project team members with assistance from an Advisory Group comprised of driver education and evaluation experts from across North America. A 2-day consultative workshop, an online discussion board, a literature review, and a discussion paper were part of the Overview development.

The Management Overview is intended for driving school owners, driver educators, program managers, administrators, and others with limited background in research methods. The report provides a general introduction to the art and science of program evaluation, with a specific focus on how program evaluation concepts and methods can be applied to driver education evaluation.There are two companion documents: Evaluating Driver Education Programs: Comprehensive Guidelines; and Evaluating Driver Education Programs: How-To Guide.

Lonero, L. & Clinton, K.M. 2006. Evaluating Driver Education: Management Overview. Washington, D.C.: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

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Evaluating Driver Education Programs Management Overview

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