AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2010 Large Scale Evaluation of Driver Education Review of the Literature on Driver Education Evaluation

Lonero, L., & Mayhew, D.
American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety

Website Section
Driver Education

Literature review

This comprehensive review builds upon an existing review of the literature regarding evaluations of beginner driver education (DE) with an in-depth understanding of DE evaluation, and perspectives on how DE evaluation can be optimized in the context of policy, program planning, and program management. Reviews of existing literature on DE and DE evaluations are provided, followed by an extensive examination and critical discussion of methods and findings of previous and recent evaluations. Limitations and implications of these evaluations are also discussed to inform program practice and development. It concluded the context for driver education and its evaluation was evolving, however scientific evaluations of driver education to date had been limited in quantity, quality, and scope. Further, it argued the theoretical content and delivery of DE programs was lacking and highly fragmented. As such, comprehensive and systematic evaluations addressing theory, context, products, delivery processes, and management of DE programs, in addition to their impacts was necessary to produce data-driven developments in DE programs.

Lonero, L., & Mayhew, D. (2010). Large-scale evaluation of driver education review of the literature on driver education evaluation 2010 update. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Washington, DC.

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Large Scale Evaluation of Driver Education Review of the Literature on Driver Education Evaluation

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