AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2011 Traffic Safety Culture Index

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

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Driver Types

National survey

These documents are the results of the third (2010), fourth (2011), and fifth (2012) annual Traffic Safety Culture Index. The purpose of the survey was to provide up-to-date information about driver perceptions on key behaviors such as impaired driving, distracted driving, vulnerable road users, and other topics of concern for stakeholders. The data was collected annually using a nationally representative, probability-based survey of U.S. residents 16 years of age and older. Key results from respective years are listed below:

This data revealed Americans value safe travel and desire a greater level of safety than they now experience. For example, 70% of Americans said the government should give more attention to making roads and highways safer, which is similar to the number that said the government should do more to increase the fuel economy of cars and take measures to reduce traffic congestion.

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (2012) 2011 Traffic Safety Culture Index. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Washington D.C.

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Traffic Safety Culture Index

Author: admin