AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2011 Unlicensed to Kill

American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety

American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety

Website Section
Driver Types

Crash analysis

This report describes the results of a study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety to investigate unlicensed and invalidly licensed drivers in fatal crashes from 2007 to 2009. FARS data was analyzed to examine fatalities where the driver was unlicensed or using an invalid license. The results showed 87.2% of drivers involved in fatal crashes during this timeframe had a valid license, 6.7% had a suspended or revoked license, 1.1% had an expired, canceled or denied a license, and 5.0% were unlicensed. Overall, 18.2% of fatal crashes involved a driver who was unlicensed or invalidly licensed, resulting in the deaths of 21,049 people.

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (2011) Unlicensed to Kill. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

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Unlicensed to Kill

Author: admin