AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2012 Motorists Admit to Drowsy Driving

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

Website Section
Driver Behaviors

National survey

This document contains the results of the 2012 Traffic Safety Culture Index. The data reported here were collected as part of the AAA Foundation’s 2012 Traffic Safety Culture Index, a web-enabled, nationally-representative, probability-based survey of 3,896 U.S. residents 16 years of age and older. The purpose of the survey was to provide up-to-date information about driver perceptions on key behaviors such as impaired driving, distracted driving, vulnerable road users, and other topics of concern for stakeholders. The data revealed nearly half of all drivers (45.9%) reported having ever (in their lifetime) fallen asleep or nodded off while driving; 2.6 percent of all drivers reported having fallen asleep or nodded off while driving in the past month, 7.0 percent within the past 6 months, and 9.7 percent within the past 12 months

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (2012) Traffic Safety Culture Index 2012: Motorists Admit To Driving Drowsy. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Washington D.C.

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Motorists Admit to Drowsy Driving

Author: admin