AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2016 Orientation Sessions for Parents of Young Novice Drivers Summary and Full Report

Arthur H. Goodwin, Stephanie Harrell, Robert D. Foss, Natalie P. O’Brien, Bevan B. Kirley,
& Yudan Wang

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety

Website Section
Driver Education – Parent Involvement

The report describes a comprehensive assessment of nine existing parent orientation sessions across the United States and makes recommendations based on a review of the scientific literature aimed at improving existing programs or guiding the development of new ones. The report should be a useful resource for researchers and practitioners who work in the area of driver training and traffic safety.

Goodwin, A. H.; Harrell, S.; Foss, R. D.; O-Brien, N. P.; Bevan, K. B. (2018) Orientation Sessions for Parents of Young Novice Drivers: An Assessment of U.S. Programs and Recommendations. AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

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Parent, parent taught, parent involvement, parent/guardian, guardian, orientation session, parent night, parent session, parent/guardian seminar


Full Report

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