AAA Foundation for Traffic Safeties 2021 Traffic Safety Culture Index Summary and Full Report

American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety

American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety

Website Topic
Driver Types


This report describes the results of AAAFTS’s Traffic Safety Culture Index in 2017. The data was gathered through survey responses from a probability sample of drivers across the US. The results revealed 21% of drivers reported having been involved in a motor vehicle crash in which someone had to go to the hospital. Further, 31% of drivers reported having had a relative who was seriously injured or killed in a motor vehicle crash. Most drivers perceived distracted drivers was a bigger problem today compared to past years. Moreover, distracted driving outpaced all other issues as a growing concern.

AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (2018) 2017 Traffic Safety Culture Index. Washington, D.C.: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

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Full Report

Author: admin