ANSTSE’s 2020 Part 2A: How Zoom System Works

Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education

Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education

Website Section
Educational Resource Materials

Part 2A recording covers examples of how virtual systems work highlighting Zoom Meetings:

  • How to set up, invite and start a meeting
  • Floating meeting controls
  • Sharing of instructor’s screen
  • Students video sharing
  • Join audio and muting
  • Managing participant windows
  • Chat features
  • Hand raising and reactions
  • Annotate
  • Polling
  • File sharing loaded files or tools
  • Host sharing for multiple instructors
  • Demonstration

Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education Presentations and Webinars

Webinar, webinars, driver education, virtual, tutorial, system, training, Zoom, meeting, poll, chat, sharing, controls, host, demonstration, recording, invite

Part 2A: How Zoom System Works

Author: admin