GHSA’s 2018 Drug Impaired Driving: Marijuana and Opioids Raise Critical Issues for States

Hedlund, J.

Governors Highway Safety Association

Website Section
Driver Behaviors

Literature review and survey

This report was designed to help states understand the key facts about drug-impaired driving. It contains results of a 2018 survey of state highway safety offices regarding their challenges and strategies for dealing with marijuana- and opioid-impaired driving. It provides key recommendations to states including, but not limited to: incorporating drug-impaired driving messages into their impaired driving campaigns, encouraging officers to investigate drug impairment even when alcohol is suspected, encouraging prosecutors to pursue DUID charges when they are supported by the evidence, investing in forensic laboratory capabilities to provide adequate testing for drivers arrested for DUID, and performing drug-impaired driving testing on all fatally injured drivers.

Hedlund, J. (2018) Drug Impaired Driving: Marijuana and Opioids Raise Critical Issues for States. Governors Highway Safety Association.

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Impair, impaired, DUI, zero, blood alcohol concentration, BAC, alcohol, drinking, drug, marijuana, opioids, influence, driving under the influence

Drug Impaired Driving: Marijuana and Opioids Raise Critical Issues for States

Author: admin