Nebraska Universities 2015 Driver Education and Teen Crashes and Traffic Violations in the First Two Years of Driving in a Graduated Licensing System

Shell D.F., Newmana I.M., Córdova-Cazar A.L., Heese J.M.
Publisher Elsevier

Website Section
Driver Types

Epidemiological study

This study examined whether teens who obtained their intermediate-level provisional operators permit (POP) in graduated driver licensing system through driver education differed in terms of traffic crashes and moving violations from those who obtained their POP by completing 50 hours of adult supervised driving. Data was collected from all teen drivers (N=151,880) in Nebraska who received their POP between 2003 and 2010. Results demonstrated teens who completed driver education to obtain their POP had significantly fewer crashes, traffic violations, and DUIs during the first and second year of driving post-obtainment of their POP compared to teens who completed 50 hours of adult supervised driving to obtain their POP. The cohort of teens who completed the supervised training also had higher odds of a crash, injury or fatal crash, traffic violations, or alcohol-related violation. This study revealed driver education in Nebraska appeared to be an important tool with positive impacts on crash and traffic violations and enhances the effectiveness of graduated driver licensing programs.

Shell, D. F., Newman, I. M., Córdova-Cazar, A. L., & Heese, J. M. (2015). Driver education and teen crashes and traffic violations in the first two years of driving in a graduated licensing system. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 82, 45-52.

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Overview, evaluation, evaluating, assessment, studies, findings, practices, culturally responsive, Nebraska university, fresh look, large scale

Driver Education and Teen Crashes and Traffic Violations in the First Two Years of Driving in a Graduated Licensing System

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