NHTSA’s 2008 Teen Driver Crashes – A Report to Congress

Compton, R. P. & Ellison-Potter, P.

US Department of Transportation

Website Section
Driver Types

Literature review

This document is a report to the US Congress by NHTSA. It summarizes what is known about the teen driver crash problem and reviews the research regarding major contributing factors to the high teen crash rate. It includes a brief review of a variety of programs designed to decrease teen driver crashes, such as educational programs, laws and sanctions, and licensing programs. The study and report concludes with recommendations based on research for developing and implementing interventions, mainly the strengthening of GDL programs.

Compton, R. P. & Ellison-Potter, P. (2008). Teen driver crashes: A report to congress. US DOT HS 811 005. Washington, D.C.: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Teen Driver Crashes – A Report to Congress

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