NHTSA’s 2011 Four High-Visibility Enforcement Demonstration Waves in Connecticut and New York Reduce Hand-Held Phone Use

Cosgrove, L.; Chaudhary, N.; Reagan, I.

US Department of Transportation

Website Section
Driving Behaviors


This factsheet summarizes the results of a high visibility enforcement (HVE) initiative funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to curb distracted driving. Programs were launched in two communities to test whether an HVE model could reduce instances of distracted driving, specifically talking or texting using a hand-held cell phone. Results revealed cell-phone use decreased among drivers, while public awareness and concern for the issue of distracted driving increased.

Cosgrove, L.; Chaudhary, N.; Reagan, I. (2011) Traffic Safety Facts Research Note: Four High-Visibility Enforcement Demonstration Waves in Connecticut and New York Reduce Hand-Held Phone Use – Factsheet. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Washington D.C.

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Distracted driving, distracted, distraction, inattention, cell phone, texting, phone, hand-held

Four High-Visibility Enforcement Demonstration Waves in Connecticut and New York Reduce Hand-Held Phone Use

Author: admin