NHTSA’s 2011 State Blood Alcohol Concentration Testing and Reporting for Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes

Casanova, T., Hedlund, J., & Tison, J.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

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Driver Behaviors

Descriptive analysis of case studies across nine US states.

This report documents current State blood alcohol concentration (BAC) testing and details the results for drivers involved in fatal crashes. It summarizes known BAC results by State for the years 1997 to 2009 for both fatally injured and surviving drivers. It documents case studies in nine States (Alaska, Hawaii, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and South Dakota). The research demonstrates successful BAC testing and reporting involves three main components: high testing rates, accurate and complete reporting, and careful management. This can be accomplished through laws, policies, or practices.

Casanova, T., Hedlund, J., & Tison, J. (2012). State blood alcohol concentration (BAC) testing and reporting for drivers involved in fatal crashes: Current practices, results, and strategies, 1997-2009. DOT HS 811 661. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

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State Blood Alcohol Concentration Testing and Reporting for Drivers Involved in Fatal Crashes

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