NHTSA’s 2012 Impact of Implementing a Primary Enforcement Seat Belt Law in Florida: A Case Study

Nichols, J. L.; Chaffe, R.; Solomon, M. G.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Website Section
Driving Behaviors

Descriptive analysis

This report contains a descriptive analysis of the impact of the Florida primary seat belt law implemented in 2009. This study examined changes in belt usage associated with the primary law change and the contribution of the rural and statewide belt programs. Awareness surveys showed 94% of respondents knew of the primary law and 77% supported the law immediately after it went into effect. Overall results indicated belt use increased statewide, with key gains being made among the male, African-American, pick-up truck drivers, and teen driver populations. Further analysis revealed these gains were maintained into 2010.

Nichols, J. L.; Chaffe, R.; Solomon, M. G. (2012) Impact of implementing a primary enforcement seat belt law in Florida: A case study. DOT HS 811 656. Washington, D.C.: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Safety belt, seat belt, occupant, protection, law

Impact of Implementing a Primary Enforcement Seat Belt Law in Florida: A Case Study

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