NHTSA”s 2013 Idaho Assessment Report

Fife, S.; Liberatore, T.; Mayhew, D.; Saint, N.; Simmons, J.; Wigand, V.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

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ANSTSE Materials

This document contains the technical assessment report by NHTSA of the State of Idaho Driver Education Program. The purpose of the assessment was to assist in the review of the driver education program in this State, identify program strengths and accomplishments, identify problem areas and offer suggestions for improvement. The assessment may also be used as a guide to help identify areas for improvement in the program. Major findings included: adopting teacher/instructor training standards that meet the requirements defined by the National Novice Driver Education and Traffic Safety Administrative Standards, implementing a formalized and routine process for the communication between stakeholder agencies, and adopting common standards and benchmarks for the public school and private driving businesses.

Fife, S.; Liberatore, T.; Mayhew, D.; Saint, N.; Simmons, J.; Wigand, V. (2013) State of Idaho: Technical Assessment of the Driver Education Program. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Washington D.C.

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Idaho Assessment Report

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