NHTSA’s 2015 National Traffic Speeds Survey III

De Leonardis, D., Huey, R., & Green, J.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Website Section
Driver Behaviors

Field survey

A field survey was conducted during the summer of 2015 that was highly similar to efforts undertaken in 2007 and 2009. The goal was to measure travel speeds and prepare nationally representative speed estimates for all types of motor vehicles on freeways, arterial highways, and collector roads across the United States. Speeds were acquired on randomly drawn road segments on limited access highways, major and minor arterial roads, and collector roads. Speed measurement sites were selected in road segments with low, medium, or high degrees of horizontal and vertical curvature or gradient. Overall, speeds of free-flow traffic on freeways averaged 70.4 mph and most traffic exceeded the speed limits.

De Leonardis, D., Huey, R., & Green, J. (2018). National Traffic Speeds Survey III: 2015.
DOT HS 812 485. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Aggressive driving, speed, speeding, safe driving

National Traffic Speeds Survey III

Author: admin