NSC’s 2017 Crashes Involving Cell Phones

National Safety Council

National Safety Council

Website Section
Driver Behaviors

Crash analysis

This white paper published by the National Safety Council analyzes the data collection and reporting methods of 180 fatal crashes involving driver cell phone use occurring between 2009 and 2011 across the United States. Overall, results indicated reporting of distracted driving improved throughout the US during this period. However, the authors also demonstrated the true magnitude of the distracted driving problem was likely unknown. They recommended NHTSA conduct a feasibility study to determine if an under-reporting correction factor is possible for cell phone use in roadway collisions.

National Safety Council (2017) Crashes Involving Cell Phones Challenges of Collecting and Reporting Reliable Crash Data. Itasca: National Safety Council. White Paper.

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Distracted driving, distracted, distraction, inattention, cell phone, texting, phone, hand-held

Crashes Involving Cell Phones

Author: admin