TIRF’s 2014 A New GDL Framework: Evidence Base to Integrate Novice Driver Strategies

Mayhew, D.; Williams, A.; Pashley, C.

Traffic Injury Research Foundation

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Driver Types

Literature and best practices review

This report by the Traffic Injury Research Foundation presents a comprehensive Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) framework. This framework was developed through a review of relevant research literature and an environmental scan of existing best practices and policies. The purpose of this framework was to better address the elevated crash risk of young and new drivers. This new GDL framework is unique and proposes driver education, licensing and testing requirements, as well as in-vehicle monitoring technology, be integrated into an enhanced GDL program. Although this framework was developed in relation to US programs, it was designed to be applicable to other international jurisdictions.

Mayhew, D.; Williams, A.; Pashley, C. (2014) A New GDL Framework: Evidence Base to Integrate Novice Driver Strategies. Ottawa, ON: Traffic Injury Research Foundation.

A New GDL Framework: Evidence Base to Integrate Novice Driver Strategies

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