TIRF’s 2017 What Driver Educators Should Know About Vehicle Technology

Traffic Injury Research Foundation

Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education

Website Section
ANSTSE Materials

This fact sheet summarizes what driver educators should know about vehicle technology and how they can communicate this knowledge to students. It contains an overview of the different types of vehicle technology, and encourages driver instructors to stay up-to-date on new technologies on vehicles. Vehicle technology is described in terms of passive and active safety features. Passive safety features are those which help protect vehicle occupants once a vehicle crash has occurred or is occurring such as seat belts or airbags. Active safety features are those which assist in the driving task and help to prevent or mitigate a crash. They include adaptive cruise control and forward collision warning systems. This document also contains links to help driver educators and students access the latest information to be able to adapt to the changing road environment

Traffic Injury Research Foundation (2017) What Driver Educators Should Know About Vehicle Technology. Association of National Stakeholders in Traffic Safety Education. White Paper.

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What Driver Educators Should Know About Vehicle Technology

Author: admin