Georgia Driver’s Education Commission 2021 Grant Scholarship Program & Joshua’s Law Evaluation Report

Strategic Research Group

Strategic Research Group

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Overview and Evaluation of Driver Education

The purpose of this research project was to examine the effectiveness of the GDEC scholarship program for young Georgia drivers, as well as to explore potential areas for program improvements. There were four primary research objectives focusing on 1) differences in driving incident outcomes among drivers who completed the GDEC scholarship program and other young drivers, 2) differences in driving incident outcomes by the type of driver’s education provider, 3) differences in driving incident outcomes by the type of method used to complete driver’s education requirements, and 4) differences of delayed licensure in driving incident outcomes. Overall, there were findings of statistical significance related to three of the four research objectives in this study. The study found that GDEC scholarship recipients experienced significantly fewer crashes per year and slightly higher Road Skills Test scores compared to their counterparts.

Georgia Driver’s Education Commission (2021) Grant Scholarship Program & Joshua’s Law Evaluation Report. Strategic Research Group.

Read the Study

Georgia, evaluation, report, study, research, scholarship, program, GDEC, effectiveness, improvement, program, outcome, provider, online, classroom, virtual, delay, licensure, road, skills, test, score, incident.

Author: admin